Image shows audiologist placing hearing aid into woman's ear

New hearing aids: Is it time to upgrade your hearing aids?

There are many reasons you may want to consider getting new hearing aids. In our experience the most common reasons are:

  1. You want to experience the highest sound quality available
  2. You have noticed changes in your hearing ability
  3. Your hearing aids don’t seem to be working properly
  4. Your hearing needs have changed (due to either health or lifestyle changes)

You can learn more about each of the 4 reasons below.

Book 30-day risk-free trial

Are you new to hearing aids? Read more about how to find the right type for you:
Hearing aids: what to know about types, features and prices
Guide to finding the right hearing aid: 3-step guide to choosing the right hearing aid model

1. You want to experience the highest sound quality available

Image shows rechargeable hearing aids
Today’s digital hearing aids are smarter than ever. Their advanced technology can offer a level of speech understanding that is close to normal hearing (compared to previous generations of hearing aids). They include new features and benefits which allow you to:

  • Support your brain in differentiating between speech and background noise
  • Improve comprehension and reduce fatigue
  • Adjust automatically to the specific listening situation in order to optimize performance
  • Connect easily to various electronic devices (TVs, computers, smartphones, etc.)
  • Have more options for size, fit and color preferences
  • Wear almost invisible hearing aids
  • Wear more comfortable devices
The latest, most intelligent hearing aid we offer is Oticon More™.
Find a HearingLife in your area

2. You have noticed changes in your hearing ability

Image shows elderly ladt olding hand close to ear to hear better

Whether you wear hearing aids or not, age-related hearing loss can worsen over time. This is why we recommend an annual check-up with your hearing care expert. You might notice that you don’t get the same performance from your hearing aids as you once did. In this case your hearing loss level might have changed beyond the range of your current hearing aids.

Book a complimentary hearing assessment*

Considering the following questions can help you decide whether you need to adjust your hearing aid or upgrade to a more powerful device that suits your changing hearing needs:

  • Do you turn up the volume on your hearing aids more often than you used to?
  • Do you not hear as well with your hearing aids as you used to?

If you purchased your hearing aids at HearingLife, you are invited for a check-up every 6 months (as part of the HearingLife AfterCare program). These regular check-ups can serve as a way to receive adjustments to your hearing aids, ensuring that your hearing aids continue to serve you well. 

Image show hand holding a hearing aid

Do you want to try our new hearing aid risk-free?

Remarkable speech clarity - Practically invisible - Try them at home risk-free for 30 days.**
Have you had a hearing test within the last 12 months?

Step 1 of 6

3. Your hearing aids don’t seem to to be working properly

Image shows hands exchanging hearing aid batteries

Hearing aids usually last between three to seven years. There are a number of factors affecting the lifetime of a hearing aid, including how well the hearing aid was built, how well the hearing aid is maintained, and how much wear and tear the hearing aid goes through.

If you experience any of the following changes in your hearing aid, you might consider getting an adjustment, a repair, or a new device:

  • Does your hearing device buzz, whistle or give feedback?
  • Do you have trouble hearing speech in noisy situations?
  • Do you have trouble hearing phone conversations?
  • Are your hearing aids not working as well as they used to?
  • Is it more tiring using your hearing aids than it used to be?

You are welcome to contact us, so we can find out if your hearing aid can be fixed by adjusting or repairing it.

Hearing aid adjustment and repair

4. Your hearing needs have changed (due to either health or lifestyle changes)


Image shows elderly couple running
Changing hearing needs at work, home or in social settings may demand new hearing aid features or technology. This may be the case if you, for example, were originally fitted for hearing aids based on a quieter lifestyle.

If you then experience certain lifestyle changes such as moving into a group home or getting involved in social activities, you may have a need for hearing aids with more power or new capabilities.

If you are wondering whether a new hearing aid can improve your hearing, you are welcome to contact us for advice and a 30-day risk-free trial. 

Book a RISK-FREE 30-day hearing aid trial

You can also study our 3-step guide to finding hearing aids that suit your current hearing needs.

Guide to choosing the right hearing aids


OTC Hearing Aids
Over-the-counter hearing aids are now available in the U.S. for adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. While HearingLife supports this effort to make hearing aids more available, we strongly believe that people who think they may need hearing aids start their journey with a professional hearing assessment.* We offer complimentary hearing assessments at HearingLife locations nationwide – find one near you here.

Learn more about OTC hearing aids here.