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Meet Dr. Megan Espinosa – HearingLife’s People Who Care

Contributed by HearingLife

11/17/2023 12:00:00 AM • 3 min read

Tags • People Who Care

HearingLife’s People Who Care series is meant to introduce you to just a few of our many hearing healthcare providers who serve you with professional, personalized care at our nationwide locations.

Dr. Megan Espinosa, Au.D., Lic. #01355, has been a dedicated audiologist since May 2015, and joined the HearingLife Team in October 2022. She holds a doctorate degree in Audiology (Au.D.) from the University of Maryland, College Park and works at our Annapolis, Maryland office. What truly sets Dr. Espinosa apart is her heartfelt motivation for choosing this profession.

She decided to become an audiologist after her grandmother was diagnosed with Ménière's disease, a condition that affects both hearing and balance.

“I wanted to learn why she was having such difficulties and how to make her life easier,” Dr. Espinosa explained.

For Dr. Espinosa, the most rewarding aspect of her job is helping people rediscover the joys of hearing and fostering good communication. She builds meaningful connections with her patients and takes pride in watching their faces light up as they share stories about friends and family.

“Life is all about connecting and I feel a great sense of pride when I can help my patients stay connected,” she says.

When it comes to hearing aids and hearing loss, Dr. Espinosa has valuable insights to share. She wishes people understood that hearing is a sense, but listening and effective communication are skills that require practice and dedication. Hearing aids can make hearing easier, but to communicate well, you need effort from both parties.

“Good communication skills, such as gaining the listener's attention and speaking face-to-face, give everyone the best chance at understanding the message,” Dr. Espinosa explained.

Beyond her profession, Dr. Espinosa has a special place in her heart for little things, like her favorite sound – coffee percolating.


If you'd like a complimentary hearing assessment and the opportunity to meet Dr. Espinosa in person, don't hesitate to contact us today. She works out of our Annapolis, Maryland office – but we have over 600 locations nationwide with hearing care experts ready to help you.

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