Person smiling as they take a hearing test at HearingLife

Why HearingLife?

As hearing professionals, we know that hearing care isn't one-size-fits-all. At HearingLife, we provide personalized hearing health to help you hear - and live - life to its fullest.

Love your ears at HearingLife.

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Our Purpose

At HearingLife, we pride ourselves on providing life-changing hearing health delivered by the best personalized care.

By combining our personalized approach, professional expertise, advanced hearing technology and comprehensive aftercare, we deliver custom hearing solutions tailored specifically to meet your unique needs.

“Our hearing connects us in every way possible. Without it, we lose touch with life, those around us and even ourselves. Hearing care can be life-changing - and it has been for me.”
– Dr. Leslie Soiles, Chief Audiologist, HearingLife

Our Hearing Care Experts

HearingLife's experienced professionals provide life-changing hearing care every day.

Through their passion for helping others, our team of hearing care experts deliver personalized care and custom solutions to meet your individual needs.

At HearingLife, we know that helping people to hear and enjoy full meaningful lives is of the utmost importance. It is this mission that fuels our passion for the work we do. We provide our entire staff - hearing care providers, patient care coordinators, support staff, call center representatives - with the encouragement, training, support and benefits that make them feel good about being a part of HearingLife, and feel even better about helping people on a daily basis.


About HearingLife

How HearingLife does personalized care

Woman speaking with friends
1. Getting to know you
We always start by getting to know you, your communication needs, hobbies, budget, and your medical case history.
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Woman wearing hearing test headphones
2. Free hearing test
We conduct a full hearing evaluation to understand your hearing ability. At this stage, we are able to identify how much and what kind of hearing loss is present.
Book a FREE hearing test*
Smiling woman looking at tiny hearing aid
3. Tailored hearing solution
Should your hearing evaluation indicate that you would benefit from a hearing device, we will recommend a hearing aid and fine-tune it to meet your unique hearing needs and goals.
Quality hearing aid solutions
Woman looking in mirror
4. Take time to adjust with a risk-free trial
To ensure the hearing solution is right for you before committing, you are welcome to buy and try for 30 days.**
Try hearing aids risk-free
Woman smiling - HearingLife speechbubble over ear
5. Aftercare when you need us
For purchases qualified for the AfterCare Program, we offer adjustments and support during your warranty period to make sure the hearing aids are still providing the best and most comfortable hearing experience for you. We also offer OnDemand services for after-hours support.
Aftercare program

State-of-the-art Solutions

Our state-of-the-art solutions are grounded in deep audiological expertise and advanced technology. Industry-leading products and expert configurations ensure precise fittings to meet your unique needs. The result is life-changing hearing tailored to your individual preferences.

Innovative technology - hearing aids at HearingLife
Hans Demant - founder

Born out of care in 1904

HearingLife is part of the Demant Group which was founded by a husband who was determined to help his wife lead a better life. Camilla Demant had hearing loss, which Hans Demant wanted to improve. But he just didn't care about her hearing, he cared about her as a unique individual.

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Hearing Care Professional at HearingLife fitting a customer


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