HearingLife Scholarship for Audiology Students
We are proud to announce our scholarship for audiology graduate students!
HearingLife is committed to the future of hearing care and is pleased to support students who choose to study audiology. Those who attend one of the listed university audiology programs can apply for a $5,000 scholarship toward tuition and fees.
The need for hearing healthcare professionals continues to grow. Approximately 48 million Americans have hearing loss and the number of adults with hearing loss in the U.S. is expected to double by 2060.1 The need for qualified, compassionate hearing care professionals is clear.
Students are welcome to apply for our scholarship to support their studies during the first 3 years of their audiology program. Fourth-year externs are not eligible – please click here to learn about our extern program.
Fall 2024 Scholarship Requirements:
The HearingLife Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is interested in working to help more people hear better through providing personalized hearing care to the public after graduation. Scholarship funds will be sent to the university for the student's tuition.
For Fall 2024, HearingLife is awarding one $5,000 scholarship to an audiology graduate student at each of these universities for Fall 2024: Wayne State University (Michigan), University of Louisville (Kentucky), and Towson University (Maryland).