See what you can gain by treating your hearing loss
As a national media spokesperson and psychotherapist who has experience with his own hearing loss, Tom has teamed up with HearingLife to spread awareness about our life-changing hearing care and how important it is for people to understand what they gain by treating it. Read Tom’s blog here. #HearingGain
Kristen Handal, Au.D., CCC-A, NJ Audiologist Lic. #41YA00108500, performs hearing assessment and fitting with customer and spokesperson for HearingLife, Tom Kersting.
Have hearing aids helped to improve your quality of life or your relationships? Do you enjoy activities and socializing more now that you can hear well?
We would love to hear about your personal hearing gains and the ways in which your journey to better hearing has changed your life. Your stories not only inspire us, but will motivate others to address their hearing loss so they, too, can experience #HearingGain.
According to the American Academy of Audiology, on average, people wait 7 to 10 years before seeking treatment for hearing loss. If you’re experiencing any of the signs of hearing loss listed below, take our online hearing test and visit your local HearingLife office to take the first step toward better hearing. You’ll wonder why you waited so long!