HearingLife created the Magic of Giving Back program to celebrate the holiday season by accepting submissions from people who needed hearing aids but couldn’t afford them and giving away hearing aids to selected recipients. We received over 100 submissions from all over the country from people nominating themselves or loved ones for free hearing aids. This is the story of one of the recipients of the 2022 Magic of Giving Back program.

Jerry is an 81-year-old resident of Kentucky who has been experiencing the social isolation that often accompanies untreated hearing loss.
“I had to quit going to church because of my hearing,” Jerry said. “It has been very depressing.”
Jerry had limited means to buy new hearing aids and his previous pair stopped working several years ago. Our Hearing Instrument Specialist, Mike Massie, in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, was pleased to fit him with new hearing aids.
“Jerry has significant hearing loss and has not had hearing devices for a few years,” said Mike. “It was a pleasure being part of helping him.”
We followed up with Jerry to find out how the new hearing aids were working out:
“The new hearing aids are great. Now I can talk to people without asking them to talk louder or move closer so I can hear them – and I can hear people on the phone!” Jerry said. “My advice to others is to not put off getting a hearing aid – they will open up a whole new world for you. One sound I had forgotten existed is the sound of birds singing – now I can hear them.”
If you’re ready to get back to doing the things you love, schedule a complimentary hearing assessment at your local HearingLife office today.