group of people of various ages talking

5 Tips for adjusting to your new hearing aids

Contributed by Loni Briley, Au.D., CCC-A

9/27/2022 • 4 min read

So you’ve taken the plunge and purchased hearing aids – congratulations! You are now the proud owner of some of today’s most advanced medical technology and can look forward to an improved quality of life through better hearing health! Even though today’s hearing aids are smaller and better-sounding than ever, they can still take some getting used to.

For some people, it’s easy to pop hearing aids on and go about their lives with very few adjustments; but for others, getting the settings just right takes a few visits and some patience. Either way – we’re here to help you enjoy a life full of sound!

Read on for my top 5 tips for easing into wearing hearing aids.

  • Get the right hearing aids for your hearing loss, lifestyle and budget and have them fit by a licensed hearing care professional

    The most important part of acclimating to your hearing aids is making sure you are wearing the right ones for your specific needs and goals! When you visit a HearingLife office, you are given a complimentary and comprehensive hearing assessment that ensures your provider fully understands your hearing and can make the right recommendation for hearing aids.

    Your hearing care professional will recommend hearing aids based on more than just your hearing loss – they also take into account your lifestyle, hobbies, social habits and budget. HearingLife carries a wide range of hearing aids to fit your preferences and needs.

  • Take it slow and build up to wearing your new hearing aids all day

    If this is your first time wearing hearing aids, you may find it tiring or overwhelming at first – take it slow! Start your hearing journey off by wearing your devices for a few hours each day and build up to a full day’s use over a two-week period. This will keep your auditory system from becoming overwhelmed by all the new sound you will be hearing and will prevent auditory fatigue.

  • Take notes on your listening experiences throughout your day-to-day life

    As you are out and about with your new hearing aids, make notes on the listening environments that you frequent the most. How much noise are you surrounded by daily? What is your experience like with your hearing aids in these environments? How are you tolerating different sounds and soundscapes? Pay attention to any specific sounds that might not seem quite right. If after a few weeks of use you are having difficulty with certain sounds or sound situations, be sure to reach out to your hearing care provider and attend your follow-up appointment so appropriate adjustments to your devices can be made.

  • Be patient

    This can sometimes be the hardest part – but give your brain the time it needs to learn to hear all life has to offer once again! The amount of time this takes is different for everyone. Depending on how long your hearing loss has been untreated, it can take days or weeks for your brain to re-learn how to hear the sounds you have lost. Don’t get discouraged! Research shows it can take up to 6 weeks for our brains to fully adjust to hearing through hearing devices. Certain sounds, like the sound of your own voice or even your hair brushing against the back of a behind-the-ear model hearing aid, might jump out at you at first. Your brain will soon recognize these small sounds for what they are and will no longer focus on them.

  • Commit to the process for the best results
  • Consistent use of your new hearing aids is the key to success! Making the commitment to wearing them is the most important thing – your hearing aids can only help you when they are in your ears! Your HearingLife hearing care provider is your teammate, reach out to them with any questions or difficulties you have along the way. We want to work with you to help you get the most out of your devices – and your life.


We hope these tips are helpful for you as you begin your healthy hearing journey. We are excited to be part of that journey, and to offer our patients improved quality of life through better hearing. If you have any questions, you can call your local HearingLife location or use the chat feature here on our website. Our OnDemand service is also available for after-business-hours assistance.*


*The availability of some services varies by state. See office for details. Closed on Federal holidays.

Loni Briley, Au.D., CCC-A
Doctor of Audiology
Dr. Briley is a clinical audiologist who joined HearingLife in 2015. She treats patients in all of our Arkansas offices, but her home office is in Conway. She specializes in diagnosing and managing hearing loss and tinnitus, including amplification evaluation, fitting, orientation and post-fitting service. A native of the Conway region, Dr. Briley is involved in community outreach through several programs and organizations.


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