untreated hearing loss has consequences

Untreated Hearing Loss and its Consequences

Contributed by HearingLife

7/7/2017 • 10 min read

Your hearing is important. So, what are you waiting for?

The sooner you take action on hearing loss, the sooner you begin to regain sharpness, confidence and control. Now is the time to end the negative effects of the hearing loss, such as:

Dulling of the senses — When you can’t hear what’s going on around you, you lose mental agility. Due to this reduction in aural stimulation over time, your brain’s ability to process sound and recognize speech is impaired. Therefore, the brain doesn’t get the practice that it needs.

Mental decline — Research consistently demonstrates the considerable effects that hearing loss has on social, psychological and cognitive performance. Also, it can lead to cognitive decline and dementia.

Social isolation — Because conversations are taxing when you struggle to hear, an untreated hearing loss results in a decline in socializing. This can lead to isolation and depression.

The sooner you seek treatment, the sooner you feel the improvement

You don’t need to struggle with your hearing. Especially if you or a loved one is experiencing these effects:

Insecurity because you can’t hear where sounds come from

  • Loneliness and depression
  • Fatigue and needing to rest after work or social functions
  • Challenges remembering what people say in meetings or social gatherings
  • Difficulties picking out individual conversations when at gatherings with several other people
  • Decreased quality of life

Remember: Hearing loss affects not only the sufferer but also the sufferer’s family, colleagues and friends. That’s why it’s important to seek help if you notice signs of hearing loss in yourself or in a loved one.

Our hearing care experts stand ready to help

If your vision were bothering you, wouldn’t you see the optician? If you had a tooth problem, you would go to the dentist. Don’t let misunderstandings about your hearing prevent you from seeing a hearing care specialist. The team at HearingLife is happy to walk you through the process to regaining control and improving your quality of life. So make an appointment* today.

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