What is the Campaign for Better Hearing?

Contributed by HearingLife

4/19/2024 • 2 min read

Tags • News and Events

The Campaign for Better Hearing is an international initiative whose goal is to make hearing health a priority in the healthcare agenda around the world. HearingLife supports this cause because we believe everyone should care for their hearing without stigma or shame!

Community Outreach

Our HearingLife Team Members participate in community events for the Campaign for Better Hearing all over the country to help spread the word about our complimentary hearing assessments. We believe everyone should check their ears at 50 years. We also provide free hearing protection at many of these events to help empower people to prevent noise-related hearing loss.

As hearing care professionals, we know the damage that hearing loss can have on quality of life, including increased dementia risk, anxiety, loneliness and social withdrawal. That’s why we support this effort to get everyone a hearing check.

If you’re a physician or other healthcare professional, be sure to ask your patients how their hearing is doing and encourage an annual hearing checkup the same way you recommend eye exams!

Free Hearing Aids for those in Need

For every hearing test completed at a HearingLife location, we donate $5 to the Campaign for Better Hearing. The Campaign for Better Hearing then uses the money raised to give free hearing aids to deserving recipients that could not otherwise afford to treat their hearing loss.

Our hearing care providers nominate their customers in need for this program and recipients are chosen monthly. You can view media coverage of just a few of these stories here and read more about recipients here. 

Take Action Now

Join us and the Campaign for Better Hearing by having your hearing checked at 50 years or encouraging someone you love to get their ears checked. Be sure to wear hearing protection and turn the volume down on those earbuds too!

You can schedule your complimentary hearing assessment online now.

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