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Meet Chris Brissette – HearingLife’s People Who Care

Contributed by HearingLife

4/16/2024 • 3 min read

Tags • People Who Care

HearingLife’s People Who Care series is meant to introduce you to just a few of our many hearing healthcare providers who serve you with professional, personalized care at our nationwide locations.

Today, meet Chris Brissette, Hearing Instrument Specialist Lic. #235, who works at our North Attleboro, MA location. He has been serving his community as a hearing care provider for 18 years after his friend Alan Palanzi inspired him to get into the field.

“Helping others hear better is the best part of working in hearing care,” says Chris. “But the lifelong relationships with customers have been a JOY!”

Chris was recently awarded HearingLife’s Preceptor of the Year Award, which recognizes hearing care providers that go the extra mile in helping to train the next generation of hearing care professionals.

“Our industry needs qualified people to care for the ever-growing population of hearing-impaired people,” explained Chris. “By become a preceptor, I wanted to do my little part in making sure we keep our field filled with solid hearing specialists.”

HearingLife is dedicated to the training and development of our hearing care providers and we invite you to meet your local provider for a complimentary hearing assessment. Schedule online today.

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