alyssa rech audiologist smiles at the camera

Meet Dr. Alyssa Rech – HearingLife’s People Who Care

Contributed by HearingLife

2/6/2024 • 3 min read

Tags • People Who Care

HearingLife’s People Who Care series is meant to introduce you to just a few of our many hearing healthcare providers who serve you with professional, personalized care at our nationwide locations.

Today, meet Alyssa Rech, Au.D., CCC-A, Lic. #A02134, who works as a remote Audiologist for HearingLife. Dr. Rech has been an Audiologist for 5 years and has been with HearingLife since graduating with her Doctorate of Audiology. As a remote Audiologist, Dr. Rech is able to serve customers no matter where they are, and she often covers appointments for colleagues who are sick so customers don’t have to drive to a different location or reschedule their appointments.

“My favorite part about my role as a remote audiologist is providing access to so many patients in different areas. It allows me to reach those who may not have been able to be helped,” says Dr. Rech. “It is also a way to make progress within our profession by providing better care and outcomes.”

Dr. Rech is passionate about helping people rediscover their ability to connect with others. “Being able to hear brings back so many memories and emotions! I am grateful to be the person to help elicit those feelings for people.”

“The profession of Audiology is more than just selling and fitting a hearing aid,” she says. “When people arrive in our office, we embark on a journey with them to help them become more aware and accepting of what hearing loss is and the impact the condition can have on our physical health, mental health and overall well-being.”

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