Dr. Eleni Santarelli – Audiologist at HearingLife

Dr. Eleni Santarelli – HearingLife’s People Who Care

Contributed by HearingLife

9/4/2023 • 3 min read

Tags • People Who Care

HearingLife’s People Who Care series is meant to introduce you to just a few of our many hearing healthcare providers who serve you with professional, personalized care at our nationwide locations.

Eleni Santarelli, Audiologist Lic #A.02315 Doctor of Audiology, works out of our Medina, Ohio location, and has been an audiologist for two years with HearingLife. She decided to pursue a career in audiology after a college class sparked her interest in the subject.

“My favorite part of being an audiologist is getting to make a positive difference in the lives of so many people,” says Eleni. “I love working with people who are being fitted with new hearing aids for the first time – the joy on their faces speaks for itself.”

“I had a patient once who was listening to his wife’s voice with hearing aids for the first time and he could hear her so well! She began to sing, and he wept because it had been so long since he could hear her voice clearly,” says Eleni. “Moments like that are so special to be a part of.”

Eleni goes on to explain that for most people, accepting that you have a hearing loss is the hardest part of the journey. “Hearing loss does not have to be scary! And hearing aids are so incredibly advanced now – they are tiny computers with so much research involved.”

Dr. Eleni also has a certificate in Animal Audiology and volunteers at her local zoo.

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