michelle smiling at the camera

Meet Dr. Michelle Singer – HearingLife’s People Who Care

Contributed by HearingLife

6/11/2024 12:00:00 AM • 4 min read

Tags • People Who Care

Dr. Michelle Singer has been an audiologist for 6 years and currently works in our New York City Madison Avenue office. Her passion for science, healthcare, technology and psychology led her to pursue a career in the field of audiology, as it encompasses all of these topics.

“Working with people is something that’s important to me, and every day I get to interact with patients, solve unique challenges and improve the patients’ quality of life while staying at the forefront of emerging technology.”

Dr. Singer’s favorite part of being an audiologist has been developing long-term personal relationships with her patients and hearing about their successes and lifestyle improvements after getting hearing devices.

“It’s so rewarding to see patients go from self-isolating or disengaging from their loved ones due to hearing loss to enjoying social interactions and living life to the fullest again.”

Dr. Singer’s favorite success story while working with HearingLife has been fitting her best friend’s father with his first pair of hearing aids. “He had been suffering from hearing loss and severe tinnitus for years, and after cancer treatment exacerbated the issues, I watched him begin to socially isolate. He was becoming quieter and less engaged at each family event, and I knew I could help.”

After getting fitted with hearing aids, his whole personality changed. He was able to engage and enjoy spending time with his friends and family again.

Dr. Singer is also a member of the employee resource group for LGBTQIA+ Team Members and allies. Her work with the group has helped her arrange hearing screenings and educational events at queer senior centers around NYC.

“Generally, the LGBTQIA+ senior community is frequently overlooked and underserved – especially when it comes to specialized healthcare like hearing.”

To Dr. Singer, Pride Month is about showcasing those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community and their never-ending contributions to our society. “It’s especially important to bring attention to the inequalities and discrimination against our community within the healthcare system.”

“At HearingLife, I have not only felt accepted for who I am as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, but welcomed for it. Having the opportunity to speak about and contribute my ideas on these matters has allowed me to truly be my authentic self at work every day.”

HearingLife is ready to help you with your journey to better hearing, no matter who you are. Schedule a complimentary hearing assessment today.

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