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Meet Terry Burris – HearingLife’s People Who Care

Contributed by HearingLife

12/12/2023 • 4 min read

Tags • People Who Care

HearingLife’s People Who Care series is meant to introduce you to just a few of our many hearing healthcare providers who serve you with professional, personalized care at our nationwide locations.

Terry Burris, Hearing Aid Fitter Lic. #IL.03344, works at our Urbana, Ohio location. He has been a hearing aid fitter since 2015, and working at HearingLife since 2019. Terry has always loved teaching others and has found his career in hearing care deeply fulfilling.

“There are so many things to love about my job and working for HearingLife, I am not sure where to begin,” says Terry. “I guess my favorite part is having the skill and knowledge to change and improve a person’s life instantly and have them react in a way that is emotional and grateful for my helping them.”

Terry’s favorite moments are when an appointment starts out with the customer in denial and at the end they’ve changed their whole perspective.

“The ear is a wonderful and complex organ responsible for creating many of our most cherished memories. To hear means to be present, to live each moment fully, surrounded by those we love,” Terry says. “Life’s too short to not connect with your loved ones. When it’s difficult for someone to understand what people are saying, they are more likely to disengage from social activity, which, studies1 have shown, can leave them feeling isolated and depressed. Helping people find their way back to themselves is something I’m proud to do.”

We couldn’t have said it better, Terry!

If you’re ready to start hearing all the sounds of life again, schedule a complimentary hearing assessment at your local HearingLife. Your hearing care expert will let you know how well your hearing is doing and talk through all your options for treatment, as needed. We can’t wait to meet you.




  1. https://www.achievestudy.org/
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