Cookie Bite

What is Cookie Bite
Hearing Loss?

“Cookie bite” hearing loss is a hearing loss in the middle frequencies of sound. The pattern it makes on an audiogram has a dip in the middle and looks like someone took a bite out of it – thus the nickname, “cookie bite.” It is a type of sensorineural hearing loss.

The middle frequencies are where most human speech sounds and much of music occurs, making treating this type of loss important for quality of life.

cookie bite audiogram
Image shows woman during hearing test

Quiz yourself: Should I get my hearing checked?

Answer a few questions to see if you could benefit from a hearing assessment.*

Question 1 – Around the table
Do you have trouble following conversations when there are 4 or more people present?
Have you received advice from your family or friends to get your hearing tested?
Do you ever struggle to understand what others are saying because you cannot hear properly?
Do you find yourself turning up the TV or radio even when the volume is loud enough for others?

Your Result:

A hearing assessment is relevant for you

Your answers indicate that you experience symptoms of hearing loss. We strongly recommend booking a hearing assessment in one of our hearing centers.

The result is an indication. An in-person hearing assessment can determine if you have a hearing loss.

Request your complimentary hearing assessment:

Your Result:

A hearing assessment seems relevant for you

Your answers indicate that you experience some symptoms of hearing loss. We recommend booking a hearing assessment in one of our clinics.

The result is an indication. An in-person hearing assessment can determine if you have a hearing loss.

Request your complimentary hearing assessment:

Your Result:

It cannot be determined here if a hearing assessment is relevant for you

Your answers do not indicate that you experience symptoms of hearing loss. However, if you experience trouble hearing, we recommend booking a hearing assessment in one of our hearing centers.

The result is an indication. An in-person hearing assessment can determine if you have a hearing loss.

Request your complimentary hearing assessment:

Step 1 of 2

What causes cookie bite hearing loss?

Cookie bite hearing loss is often believed to be a genetic condition and can begin at birth or any time after. For some people, cookie bite loss worsens over time; for others, it holds steady after diagnosis.

Common signs of a mid-frequency hearing loss

With mid-frequency hearing loss, you likely can hear birds chirping or thunder rumbling without any problems, but may find that other people seem to be mumbling most of the time. You may struggle to hear your favorite music or turn the TV up very loudly during dialogue scenes. Social situations and even work environments might be difficult due to background noise. Mid-frequency sounds are often the sounds of people talking.

Image shows people in conversation
Difficulty following conversations
You have difficulty following group conversations (especially when background noise is present)
Image shows woman holding hand close to her ear
People seem to be mumbling
You often ask people to repeat themselves. Sounds seem unclear, or people sound like they are mumbling
Image show audiologist talking to a woman

Treatment options for cookie bite hearing loss

Middle-frequency hearing loss is relatively uncommon, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be treated! Today’s hearing aid technology is highly personalized and can be customized to treat a cookie bite hearing loss pattern. Many of today’s hearing aids are nearly invisible to others.

The hearing health professionals at HearingLife are ready to help you find the best solution for your hearing loss pattern, lifestyle and budget. Book an appointment today.

Treating your cookie bite loss with hearing aids will help you keep social connections and friendships going, since hearing friends and family speak is crucial to enjoying your time with them. Plus, treating hearing loss is important to help prevent dementia later in life.

Book appointment  Hearing loss treatment

Leslie Soiles, Chief Audiologist
Dr. Leslie Soiles

Au.D., Doctor of Audiology
Lic. #364, Chief Audiologist, HearingLife

Dr. Leslie Soiles founded HearingLife's Shrewsbury office (formerly New England Hearing Instruments) in 1996. As a Doctor of Audiology, she has worked with Ear, Nose and Throat Physicians for the first 20 years of her career.

Dr. Soiles serves as Chief Audiologist for HearingLife. Click here to read her complete bio and learn more about her education and background.

General_Last_Reviewed 2024-07-01