Image show woman with tinnitus symptoms

Online Tinnitus Quiz

People with tinnitus often experience hearing loss. Our quick online tinnitus quiz can help you understand if you might have tinnitus and/or hearing loss and what you can do about it.

Question 1
Do you ever experience ringing or buzzing sounds in your ear(s) when no external sound is present?
Do you ever have trouble falling asleep or concentrating due to any ringing or buzzing sounds in your ear(s)?
Do you ever have trouble following conversations because you don’t hear properly?
Do you find yourself turning up the volume on the TV or radio louder than normal?

Your result:

Indications of tinnitus and hearing loss

Your answers indicate that you may experience symptoms of tinnitus and hearing loss. We recommend that you visit one of our hearing centers. There are hearing aids that can treat your hearing loss and might give you relief from your tinnitus.*

Book a complimentary hearing assessment at an office near you

† The result of this questionnaire may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Your result:

Indications of hearing loss

Your answers indicate that you may experience symptoms of hearing loss but no symptoms of tinnitus. We recommend that you visit one of our hearing centers to to see if you have a hearing loss that should be treated.*

Book a complimentary hearing assessment at an office near you

† The result of this questionnaire may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Your result:

Symptoms of tinnitus indicated

Your answers indicate that you may experience symptoms of tinnitus. We recommend that you read about tinnitus treatment options to learn about how to cope with and find relief from tinnitus symptoms.*

† The result of this questionnaire may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Your result:

No tinnitus or hearing loss indicated

Your answers indicate that you may not have tinnitus - or that you have non-bothersome tinnitus that is not currently affecting your everyday life. However, we encourage you to book a complimentary hearing assessment to establish a baseline.

Request a complimentary hearing assessment*:

† The result of this questionnaire may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Step 1 of 6

Tinnitus and hearing loss

People who experience tinnitus often show symptoms of hearing loss as well. While there is currently no known cure for tinnitus, there are options available for tinnitus relief. 

If you suffer from tinnitus and hearing loss, there are hearing aids available which include tinnitus relief features. 

Book a complimentary hearing assessment* and a complimentary hearing aid demonstration in one of our centers to learn about hearing solutions that could address your hearing needs.

Book appointment Find hearing center

When should you consider getting a hearing test?

  1. If the tinnitus test above or our online hearing test indicates possible symptoms of hearing loss
  2. If you recognize any of the 6 symptoms below
  3. If you have turned 60 years old and you have not had a hearing assessment in the last two years
Sensorineural hearing loss

6 signs of hearing loss

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is recommended that you have a complimentary hearing assessment. 
1. Difficulty following group conversations
2. Asking others to repeat themselves
3. People around you seem to be mumbling or talking softly
4. Having to turn up the TV, radio or phone volume to hear properly
5. Difficulty hearing what people are saying if they don’t look directly at you
6. Feeling tired at the end of the day from straining to hear

FAQ - Online Tinnitus Quiz