HearingLife Launches #HearingGain Campaign in Celebration of World Hearing Day

3/3/2021 • 3 min read

Tags • Press releases


HearingLife, a leader in delivering life-changing hearing care, today announced the kickoff of the #HearingGain campaign to mark World Hearing Day and help people discover the value of their hearing and the power of life-changing hearing care — from renewed connections with loved ones to improved mood and confidence. Underscoring the meaning of #HearingGain, more than 1,000 HearingLife customers surveyed* overwhelmingly reported less hearing effort (92%), improved social interactions (92%), and improved activity level (82%) as a result of using hearing aids to treat their hearing loss.

"We are excited to launch our new campaign on World Hearing Day and raise awareness of the steps people can take both to protect their hearing and to address hearing loss, which can begin at different stages of life,” said Dr. Leslie Soiles, Chief Audiologist at HearingLife. “This call to action is especially important during the pandemic, as masks impact the ability for many people with hearing loss to communicate or read lips, while others may be noticing their own hearing loss for the first time. This can further contribute to the social isolation many people are feeling, and we want them to know there is so much to be gained by addressing hearing loss with the right care."

A critical part of the #HearingGain campaign is education and that begins with understanding how to identify hearing loss. While it is recommended that adults age 60 and over receive regular hearing testing as part of their annual health routines and checkups, the experts at HearingLife encourage people to recognize the signs of hearing loss as early as possible in order to provide timely care. Dr. Soiles offers these top five signs and symptoms of hearing loss:

  • Asking others to others to repeat themselves
  • Inability to hear voices clearly over the phone
  • Turning up the volume on the TV loud enough to disturb others
  • Noticing a continuous ringing in your ear
  • Having trouble following a conversation in a noisy environment

“I really wish I had had my hearing checked a long time ago. My quality of life is just so much better now. It’s like everything opened up to me, like I had been asleep. It’s changed my whole life.”

Michael Cave, HearingLife customer from Shrewsbury, MA

To showcase some of the joys that people rediscover through #HearingGain, click here to hear about one person’s personal story.

In addition, HearingLife held an online “Sounds of Life” sweepstakes for consumers to choose their favorite sound for the chance to win $100 in gift cards. The winning sound was “waves crashing,” the second runner up was “child’s laughter,” and the third was a “campfire.”

Click here for more information and to learn how you or a loved one can receive life-changing hearing care.

About HearingLife

HearingLife is part of Demant, a world-leading hearing healthcare group built on a heritage of care and innovation since 1904. HearingLife operates more than 600 hearing care centers across 42 states. We follow a scientific, results-oriented approach to hearing healthcare that is delivered by highly skilled and caring professionals. Our vision is to help more people hear better through life-changing hearing health delivered by the best personalized care.

+HearingLife conducted the survey among 1,027 HearingLife customers between October 30 and November 4, 2020.

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