HearingLife and William Shatner team up

William Shatner and HearingLife Team Up

January 4, 2023

Tags • Press releases

William Shatner and HearingLife Team Up to Spread Awareness about the Importance of Hearing Care in the US

The partnership highlights the need for hearing tests and hearing care

SOMERSET, N.J., JANUARY 04, 2023 - Iconic actor, author, producer, director and musician William Shatner today announced he has teamed up with HearingLife, a leader in delivering life-changing, personalized hearing care, to highlight the urgent need for people to care for their hearing.

Entitled “Live Life to Your Fullest,” the year-long advertising, communications, and marketing campaign seeks to educate Americans about the importance of caring for your hearing and getting hearing tests, as well as ways to identify hearing loss in your loved ones.

“Proactive health habits are so important to living a long and healthy life. For me, especially as I struggled with tinnitus, taking care of my hearing has been a big part of living life to the fullest with my family and in my career, allowing me to enjoy every special moment,” said William Shatner. “When I met with the audiologist from HearingLife and saw her dedication and commitment, it was truly inspiring. I realized the care that HearingLife provides can be life-changing for so many.”

“William Shatner is beloved and recognized as a trusted, inspiring icon in American culture. We are thrilled to be working with him to increase awareness about the importance of quality hearing care,” said Dean Pappous, President of HearingLife. “Almost 30 million adults* in the US could benefit from some type of hearing aid, yet many wait to see a professional until their hearing loss has progressed significantly. Through this campaign, we aim to educate Americans about the benefits of getting a hearing assessment. Hearing care is essential to stay connected to our loved ones and live life to its fullest.”

Launching today, “Live Life to Your Fullest,” will be placed in broadcast and digital outlets. The campaign includes a national television commercial created by The VIA Agency, a webpage featuring hearing tips and facts, and social media content encouraging consumers to take care of their hearing health beginning with a hearing test.  


About HearingLife

HearingLife is a national hearing care company and part of the Demant Group, a global leader in hearing healthcare built on a heritage of care, health, and innovation since 1904. HearingLife operates nearly 700 hearing care centers across 42 states. We follow a scientific, results-oriented approach to hearing healthcare that is provided by highly skilled and caring professionals. Our vision is to help more people hear better through life-changing hearing health delivered by the best personalized care.  William Shatner is a paid spokesperson for HearingLife. To learn more, visit: https://www.hearinglife.com

If you think you may have hearing loss, book an appointment at one of our hearing centers for a complimentary hearing assessment.*


Media Contact 
Kaplow Communications
(646) 747-3551

*Source: https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/statistics/quick-statistics-hearing#8