sabra smiles as she receives her new hearing aids

Great Falls Woman is Gifted Hearing Aids for the Holidays

1/9/2024 • 3 min read

Tags • TV

Just in time for the holiday season, Great Falls, Montana resident Sabra Pierson was given free hearing aids by The Campaign for Better Hearing.

Sabra met the team at HearingLife when she brought her older hearing aids in for repairs. The cost of new hearing aids was not something she could afford, so Diana nominated her for The Campaign for Better Hearing’s Give Back Program.

Provider Diana Warncke, who works at the HearingLife in Great Falls, nominated Sabra for the program after they first met, saying, “Sabra is a joyful, outgoing young woman who is really struggling because she cannot hear the beautiful things life has to offer.”

After receiving her brand-new hearing aids, Sabra was in tears. “It’s something I wasn’t expecting – I couldn’t be more thankful.”

Check out news coverage of Sabra’s story here: