Skydiving Over Sixty
HearingLife is proud to sponsor a new documentary "Skydiving Over Sixty: A Leap of Faith", which demonstrates how you can keep being you, regardless of age, hearing loss or other factors.
HearingLife is proud to show what seniors are capable of!
Getting older doesn’t have to mean slowing down, staying home, or missing out. To live your best life, being able to hear conversations is key — even if your hobbies are a bit quieter than skydiving. Stay on top of your hearing health with free* annual hearing assessments at your local HearingLife.
Watch the film now or wait for the broadcast premiere on ABC on November 17th, 2024!

Watch Skydiving Over Sixty
before anyone else!
Skydiving Over Sixty
before anyone else!
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About the film
Skydiving Over Sixty: A Leap of Faith is a documentary film by Bob Compton that follows a group of 110 skydivers over the age of 60 as they attempt to set a new world record for the largest free fall skydiving formation of people over 60.
The group comes from all over the world and range in age from 60 to over 90 years old. In total, they had over 700,000 jumps between them.
View the full-length film today!
You can also wait for the broadcast premiere on ABC on November 17th, 2024!
You can also wait for the broadcast premiere on ABC on November 17th, 2024!